How might we assist a fast moving startup communicate their offering smartly and effectively?
Carbon is revolutionizing the manufacturing industry with its fully digital, additive manufacturing process. With the ability to print production ready parts, Carbon has rapidly secured premier partnerships across a number of industries.
They needed a partner who could help meet their branding needs in real time and market pace. This required organizing a team to execute various aspects of the Carbon brand in tandem, from graphic language and logo exploration, to website design, content roadmapping, front end code and technical infrastructure development.
Reprioritizing to meet market needs meant designed a card based site interface, one that provided the flexibility required to address Carbon’s dynamic set of needs. This solution allowed us to quickly adjust a content mix to tell any combination of stories from materials to partnerships, innovations to sales.
– Logo & Wordmark Exploration –

– Prior to Redesign –

– UX, Wireframe & Interface Design –