How do you develop a brand for a category of service that doesn't yet exist and position it for industry growth?
Metabiota leverages big data analytics, bench science and "boots on the ground” field research to discover, track and quantify epidemiological risk for organizations globally. They came to us with the desire to unify and differentiate their brand communications.
We needed to start with knowing what we didn't know about the business Metabiota supports in order to identify ways to differentiate their offering. We then went forward to redefine their brand voice & tone, visual vocabulary, and reorganize their digital presence to tell their story.
Taking inspiration from scientific white papers and big data analytics we built a core design system that was easy for the Metabiota team to implement and maintain. We also made efforts to restructure the site content and overall brand narrative to help future clients understand the role Metabiota can play in their businesses and industries.
– research & insights –

– brand exploration –

– UX, Wireframe, Style Guide & Interface Design –